Brianna Shade, an expert traveler who quit her job in 2019 to travel full-time with her husband, joins me today to talk about traveling smart during the pandemic and making the most of your travel plans. 

She embraces the freedom of the nomadic lifestyle and the cultural connections that come with it. 

Brianna shares her travel secrets to make the most out of your travel, even during a pandemic. 

Making travel less stressful is at the top of Brianna’s list.

Being prepared, flexible, and having realistic expectations go a long way to making travel fun and adventurous.

Brianna shares some great tips for enjoying your trip without the pressure to see and do everything all while saving money! 

Learn more about Brianna by visiting her website and follow her on Facebook & Instagram.

Brianna and her husband also teach trip planning mastery and have a bootcamp all about streamlining the trip planning process for less stress and more enjoyment while traveling (with plenty of money-saving tips included). You can read more about the program at

 To learn more about the petsitting program for travel, visit: This also gives you 25% off the registration fee!


Watch The Interview On Youtube!

Transforming Anxiety Course

Registration is now open for this online,  mini self paced anxiety course.  Learn to transform YOUR anxiety from the comfort, privacy, and convenience of your home.  

Learn More

Top 10 Self Care Strategy

This useful guide will inspire you to take better care of yourself so you can be more present and available to those you love, enjoy your job more, and feel more positive about your life. 

The strategies are easy to follow and implement in your daily life.

Click the button below to download this FREE guide. 

Download Your FREE Self Care Guide

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Mental Health Break Podcast 

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