Deepa Deshmukh is a dietitian practicing functional and Culinary nutrition.
When treating people she focuses on identifying factors that are contributing to their health issues, identifying the underlying nutritional deficiencies and comes up with a sustaining plan.
She specializes in treating chronic diseases conditions such as digestive health, diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune conditions.
Deepa focuses on the issues related to health, wellness, nutrition, knowledge empowerment, planet health and anything in between that affects people and their behavior.Download The Sweet Potato Brownie Recipe Here
Transforming Anxiety Course
Registration is now open for this online, self paced anxiety course. Learn to transform YOUR anxiety from the comfort, privacy, and convenience of your home.
Top 10 Self Care Strategies
This useful guide will inspire you to take better care of yourself so you can be more present and available to those you love, enjoy your job more, and feel more positive about your life.
The strategies are easy to follow and implement in your daily life.