Is medication the only option when your child is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder? 

 Janice Miles, a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist at a state psychiatric center with specialized training in the areas of Mental Health and Addiction Recovery, wanted to explore her options when her own son was diagnosed with ADD and oppositional defiance disorder

 Given her background as a nutritionist, Janice began using whole food and natural supplements to help her son.

 Her son went from being suspended regularly and on the verge of being kicked out of school to ending up gaining the respect of his peers and teachers by the time he graduated school! 

 Janice witnessed first hand how food and whole food based supplementation completely changed the trajectory of her son’s life, who is now a college bound high school graduate with plans to wrestle at the collegiate level.

 Janice has recently launched a small private practice helping young  high school athletes diagnosed with ADD/ADHD to improve focus and athletic performance. 

Janice addresses the following during this episode:

  • What symptoms to look for if you suspect your child may struggle with ADD
  • The role nutrition deficiency and poor diet play with worsened symptoms
  • How food sensitivities and gut dysbiosis can impact symptoms
  • How to use labs and fasting insulin test to get to the root of the symptoms
  • What external factors to pay attention to that could contribute to behavior changes.
  • How to work with school staff and use available resources to advocate for your child.
  • What specific foods to add and what to remove from your child’s diet for better overall mood, focus, and behavior.
  • The important role protein plays in dopamine production and whether to choose animal vs. plant protein for optimal results.

Learn more about Janice by following her on Linkedin.



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Mental Health Break Podcast 

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